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Purchase Line School District

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PL Red Dragon Foundation » Alumni


We would like to keep in touch with Purchase Line Alumni. 

​Click here to complete online version of the  Alumni Information Form 

Click here to print, complete and mail the Alumni Information Form

The Alumni Hall of Fame

The Alumni Hall of Fame was established for the Purchase Line Red Dragon Foundation to recognize graduates of Purchase Line School District, including all schools prior to merging. Nominees must not only have achieved and

contributed to their alma mater, but have also achieved and contributed to their community and country in the years following graduation. Their achievements are recognized to provide positive role models for the present students of the Purchase Line School District.

Inductee will be honored at the program of our annual Purchase Line Community and Alumni Recognition Dinner held at the Purchase Line High School each Homecoming Weekend. The person you are nominating must agree to return to Purchase Line for the Homecoming Weekend to accept their award. All Alumni Hall of Fame nomination forms will be kept on file for continued consideration for two (2) years. After two (2) years, you would need to submit a new

nomination form.

Click the link for the form to nominate an Alumni- Alumni Hall of Fame Nomination Form 

Recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award